SLOPB has been implementing the Empowerment of the poor through Integrated Agriculture in Bauphal under Patuakhali district since 2010 after getting project approval from the NGO Affairs Bureau. Under the project SLOPB initially focused on providing technical support on the Poultry,Fisheries and homestead gardening along with some basic training on those components. In terms of the development in this sector the contribution of SLOPB is remarkable. SLOPB initiated EPIA Project in 2009 to reduce poverty and ensure empowerment of the poor and marginalized households by increasing sustainable household income through improved Family Poultry, Small Scale Aquaculture and sustainable homestead gardening in Bauphal Upazila of Patuakhali district
a)To organize the poor and marginalized households (subsistence level farmers) into grass root groups for
alternative employment in Poultry, Fisheries and Homestead Enterprises.
b)To create self-employment opportunity among the poor and marginalized households especially for the women .
c)To develop human resources in the remote coastal area for sustainable and adaptable technology through training and technical support.
d)To reduce poverty through increasing family income and access to credit for the poor and marginalized households
in Poultry, Fisheries and Homestead agriculture.
e)To improve the health and social status of the poor and marginalized farmers by increasing nutritional intake through domestic production
of Poultry, eggs, fish and vegetables and creating opportunities for accessing Health, water and sanitation services provided by SLOPB and
other related govt. departments and NGOs in the project area.
f)To increase the fish production through rehabilitating water resources and maximizing the use of all on-farm resources to increase income,
nutritional standards, food security and long-term sustainability of the farm belonging to poor/marginal rural households.
g) To empower womenfolk to build a solid ground for conservation of seed and other propagates.
h) To promote mass awareness of the community for biodiversity conservation.
i) To enrich the ecosystem of the locality.
j) To improve the socio-economic condition and physical well-being of the target group poor men and women through increased income and enable
them to improve their participation in social and economic development
k) To enhance opportunities for productive employment of the target group poor men and women with adoption of low cost sustainable and
adaptable technologies.
• Beneficiary selection and forming of groups
• Conduct participatory needs assessment and planning
• Training of the Group members on the IGA
• Conduct Orientation and training for all the selected beneficiaries
• Provide training and technology for pursuing the IGA
• Arrange supply of credit funds to the beneficiary members
• Establish Farmer’s Resources Centers
• Conduct awareness training/workshop/seminar
The project funding is closed by March 2015 but the project activities have not been stopped rather SLOPB has taken new initiatives to continue the project with business approach. SLOPB has established partnership with a business house to ensure the poultry feeds, fish feeds and medicines for the farmers with a business approach to keep farmers doing their business by growing their firms. This approach has been found effective ways of making the initiatives sustainable for a long, thus, SLOPB has been in progress to make this process more effective for making profitable for both the customizers and organization.